The Brass of Peace Ensemble are a group of talented young high school students ages 15-18. The group consists of thirteen to fifteen gifted children who are given two-hour weekly coaching sessions with National Symphony Orchestra hornist, Sylvia Alimena.
Many Brass of Peace alumni have gone on to continue their studies at conservatories such as the Curtis Institute of Music, Eastman School of Music, New England Conservatory and, The Julliard School. Many graduates of Brass of Peace have also gone on to become members in fine symphony orchestra’s and orchestra’s throughout the world, including The Philadelphia Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony, the Pittsburgh Symphony, the Oregon Symphony, the San Francisco Symphony and the Atlanta Symphony.
Joining the Brass of Peace Ensemble will be organist Lisa Mitchell Galoci. This is certain to be a treat as the Brass of Peace Ensemble combines with the talented Lisa Mitchell Galoci as she brings the Monastery’s Lively-Fulcher pipe organ to life at this month’s Music @ the Monastery performance. The Monastery’s organ was recently called one of Washington, D.C.’s “six most extraordinary organs.”
Join us for their combined performance at 4:00 p.m. in the main church, followed by a light reception in the new conference room at 5:00 p.m. This event is free to the public.
Visit the calendar of events to see all the happenings at the Monastery.