Our Easter Lily Sale is Back!
Order your lilies now for curbside pickup on Saturday, March 27.
Order Your Easter Lilies or Donate >
We are pleased to be able to offer Easter lilies for curbside pickup this year. In addition to picking up lilies for your own home or friends, you can donate a virtual Easter lily in honor or in memory of your loved ones. We will post their names on an online tribute on this website starting Palm Sunday, plus they will be remembered in the friars’ prayers at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America at Easter.
Curbside Pickup – $9.00 for each pre-ordered, pre-paid Easter Lily
Curbside pickup for your Easter lilies will be available on Saturday, March 27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the parking lot at 14th and Quincy Streets, NE, Washington, DC 20017. The lot is across the street from the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America and St. Francis Hall.
While we are happy to be able to offer Easter lilies after a year off, we unfortunately will not have palm crosses this year.
Order Lilies For Pick-Up ($9.00 each) or
Donate Honored Names ($8.00 each) Online
Please note that we are accepting orders only via our website this year.