Christmas Open House2017-11-28T10:59:14-05:00

Usher in the season of hope and expectation at the Monastery by enjoying some unique seasonal offerings!

Ongoing from 11:00 a.m.  to 5:00 p.m.

The Holy Land Christmas Gift Shop

Conveniently located just inside the main door for our Open House, the Holy Land Christmas Gift Shop will have free samples, kid’s activities, a visit from St. Nick, special Christmas pricing, free gift wrap and unique gifts direct from the Holy Land for everyone on your list. The regular gift shop will be closed during the event.

Nativities of the World

See the Holy Family through the eyes of Christians living in over 150 countries around the world. This collection of crèches is on loan to the Monastery from Roger and Marguerite Sullivan.

Catacombs and Lower Church

Rarely open to the public except through guided tours, the Catacombs and Lower Church will be open during the Open House except during Mass and the performance of the Ron Freeman Chorale. The Lower Church houses a replica of the Nativity Grotto in Bethlehem plus other grottos, chapels and attractions you won’t want to miss.
Schedule of Events
10:00 a.m.   Mass in the main church
11:00 a.m.   Blessing of Nativities of the World
11:10 a.m.   St. Francis and the Nativity in the main church
11:40 a.m.   Story of St. Nicholas in the Holy Land Gift Shop
 noon           Mass in the main church
1:00 p.m.     Blessing of Nativities of the World
1:00 p.m.     Rosary making demonstration in the Holy Land Gift Shop
1:50 p.m.     Christmas centerpiece demonstration in the Holy Land Gift Shop
2:00 p.m.     Spanish Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
2:30 p.m.     Story of St. Nicholas in the Holy Land Gift Shop
3:00 p.m.     Ron Freeman Chorale in the main church
4:00 p.m.     Cookies and warm drinks in the Visitor’s Center

Questions? 202-526-6800 or Margherita@myfranciscan.com.
