Donation Page – Saint Anthony’s Bread2023-02-16T12:58:11-05:00

St. Anthony’s Bread

Among many miracles attributed to St. Anthony, one story tells of a motherwhose son fell into a barrel of water and drowned. She implored the saint’s intercession and promised that if her son were restored to life, she would give the boy’s weight in grain to the poor. Her prayers were heard, her son brought back to life, and she fulfilled her promise with a generous gift.

So began the devotion known as “St. Anthony’s Bread.” Today, the term refers to offerings made in thanksgiving to God for blessings received through the prayers of St. Anthony. Have you received such a blessing? Your thanksgiving offeringwill help the friars provide for those in need locally and in the Holy Land.

Please make your gift and share your intentions using the formbelow. The friars will carry your intention to St. Anthony’s altar for you. THANK YOU!

Have questions or prefer to make your donation over the phone? Call (202) 526-6800.

If you would like to support the Franciscan Monastery by mail, please send your check to:

Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land
Attn: Development Office
1400 Quincy Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
