Jerusalem, 10 October 2023
Dear Friends of the Holy Land,
On Saturday 7 October we woke up to the sound of the sirens and we suddenly found ourselves
in a state of war. All of you are probably apprehensively following this situation through the
various media.
What we want to share with you, now, is the need to pray and fast for peace, according to what
Pope Francis asked us at the end of the Angelus on Sunday 8 October: “I am following
apprehensively and sorrowfully what is happening in Israel where the violence has exploded
even more ferociously, causing hundreds of deaths and casualties. I express my closeness to the
families and victims. I am praying for them and for all who are living hours of terror and
anguish. May the attacks and weaponry cease. Please! And let it be understood that terrorism
and war do not lead to any resolutions, but only to the death and suffering of so many innocent
people. War is a defeat! Every war is a defeat! Let us pray that there be peace in Israel and in
Palestine.” (Angelus, 8/10/2023).
In the sanctuaries in our care, which remind us how much Jesus said and did for our
reconciliation, our fraternities are praying for all the victims, especially the civilians and the
hostages. And for their families. Let us pray so that the hatred, anger and fear that generate
violence go out in hearts. Let us pray so that the international community fosters initiatives of
mediation and peace, especially in protecting civilians.
In this situation, although with prudence, our fraternities are continuing to take care of the local
faithful and the groups of pilgrims blocked in the country. For the time being, it is opportune to
suspend pilgrimages and wait for the situation to be safe again.
We continue to trust in the Lord, knowing well that our life is in his care. May the Lord bless
you, may the Virgin Mary Queen of the Rosary protect you and may our patron saints Francis
and Anthony intercede with the Almighty and obtain a rapid end to this conflict.