Estate Planning
Supporting the people and places of the Holy Land can be your legacy
For 800 years, Franciscans have cared for our faith’s most sacred sites, welcomed pilgrims, and sustained a Christian presence in the Holy Land. Your lasting support through your estate will help ensure the friars can continue this vital mission for generations to come.
The staff of the Franciscan Monastery will be happy to provide further information about the many charitable gift options that are available. Please contact the Monastery at 202-526-6800 or To secure maximum benefits in your estate planning, we recommend that you consult with legal and financial advisers.
If you have planned or are planning to leave a bequest to the Franciscan Monastery, please let us know so that we may express our appreciation to you! Please fill out this form to notify the Franciscan Monastery of your bequest intention. Mail form to:
Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America
Attn: Development Office
1400 Quincy Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017